The Cullens don't cook for Bella in the volume, do they? Why would the flick add that scene, especially as it makes Edward expect similar fifty-fifty more than of a jerk. He would accept had to know that everyone is planning to melt for Bella via both his telepathy and basic observational skills. What narrative purpose practice yous remember that scene adds?
I think the moving picture was looking for a more "active" way to innovate the Cullen family. In the volume, E/B testify up and like anybody just sort of stands around stiffly with "how do you practice?" and Rosalie and Emmett aren't even there. There's that fun bit later with Alice and Jasper showing up proverb "We idea you were having Bella for lunch and wanted to see if you'd share" but otherwise it'south but pretty flat and just continuing effectually and talking for the most office. At that place'southward not much visual interest, which you need in a moving-picture show.
By having them cook instead, they are doing something, which is more interesting to sentry, and information technology allows the flick to visually introduce the characters every bit well equally establish their dynamics equally a family quickly and at to the lowest degree sketch in some sort of personality. Esme'southward glee when Bella arrives, Rosalie's disdain, Emmett waving a knife, Esme telling Rosalie to make clean up the bowl she broke, Carlisle wryly saying "I think that went well," etc. It's just more FUN than the volume.
Now if you're an E/B stan you lot might not similar it, because in the book they come over to "meet the family" and so pretty much instantly bond on the family (which they do here, as well, but the cooking scene feels meatier–no pun intended). Oh there is that bit where Edward plays piano and Esme is similar "I hope yous're not showing off" or whatever but once again it just feels similar it'southward really about Due east/B and the family is just sort of at that place. With the movie, they at least tried to make a more than memorable introduction to the family unit, and kept the quirky beats of Alice billowy over and declaring Bella does odour good.
I remember information technology also humanizes them? Like I said in the book it all feels more stiff and sanitized. The actors themselves have talked about how tricky it was to try and portray the stillness of the vampires without coming off equally wooden. Having them actively do something (cook) helped avert that here–later directors didn't really endeavor and then you become all those scenes of them just standing around and talking, and I think information technology was Bill Condon even commented how hard this was considering normally you'd have people eating or drinking or smoking or SOMETHING in a talking scene merely to requite the audition something to 'watch' but you tin't exercise it with these vampires.
Information technology'south true that Edward could have told Bella beforehand not to eat because he'd accept known what they were planning (I think he even said he told them non to practise information technology), but overall I kind of like the scene and recollect information technology makes sense to practise something more agile than in the book.
twilight (2008, dir. catherine hardwicke) but it'south told through memes 7 text posts
when Bella is in the hospital after the fight with James, Edward convinces Carlisle to keep them from shaving her hair. imagine Bella with a cool buzz cut, just more importantly, imagine Bella with absurd choppy short hair in her New Moon era
this mail didn't get notes merely i will not be silenced about this really
(I retrieve I will only be asking for each coven shown in BD at present.)
Aforementioned as earlier with the Amazons, but now what do yous remember near the Irish gaelic coven, their narrative role, how they were portrayed, their divide backstories? And do you recollect Siobahn has a souvenir, why or why not?
I call back Siobhan is awesome, although the gendered violence she suffered was unnecessary. I recollect her friendship with Carlisle is delightful and is pretty much the merely one of his friends that actually feels similar a friend in a Testify way because they exercise kind of have a teasing back-and-along that does feel like 'old friends.' They have an within joke nearly whether she has a gift or non that Bella and the other witnesses don't totally understand. Information technology's like, GASP, a relationship outside the Bellaverse! That is SHOWN (at to the lowest degree a little) rather than told? Amazing!
Liam preferring to eat English soldiers and his mate being best friends with an English-American is also hilarious. Although Carlisle was never a soldier so I guess in that location'south that, and Siobhan's 'volition things to go her fashion' gift/not-gift might … encourage… Liam to play nice anyhow. They're also one of the few vampire couples with a "physical age" gap. I mean Bella is angsting virtually this idea and Edward points out there's three years betwixt 23-year-old Carlisle and 26-year-old Esme like information technology … matters? I think Siobhan is like 20 physically and Liam is 36. But she had besides been "20" for nearly 150 years when she met really-notwithstanding-36 newborn Liam and then I'thousand not sure how the Immortality Math works out.
Maggie is interesting, too, only I don't experience similar she was adult particularly well; she feels like she was by and large designed JUST and then she could telephone call Aro a LIAR!!!! in a super dramatic fashion. Information technology's probably a skillful thing that she's a nomad because she would non be able to function in human being society with her ability. There are so many piffling lies that get people through the day, from just polite lies similar " that new haircut looks great!" to fibbing to your dominate why you were late, to the lies inherent in advertising and politics, to big lies like, oh, vampire secrecy. Even if she could larn non to call out the lies, she'd probably be miserable surrounded past them.
I like to call back Siobhan DOES take a gift, and honestly if SM had leaned into that more, the catastrophe of BD would have bothered me less. I mean it's still annoying that they gather and railroad train and plan for this big battle and nada happens, and then all credit is given to Bella'south shield. But there ARE mentions of Siobhan seeming to try and influence things, and she jokes about it after the fact, and then maybe if someone was like "WHAT are the odds that Bella would effigy out how to aggrandize her shield JUST when she needed to and Alice would evidence upward with a hybrid JUST when nosotros needed her to?" and Carlisle kind of looks at Siobhan and mouths "did you do that?" who so sort of winks that … could have been a fun moment and at least been an in-universe explanation for the deus ex machina of it all fifty-fifty if it even so was very deus ex machina.
Fascinated past the idea that Siobhan's souvenir is less power than it could be because she doesn't believe in it. It seems post-BD she might, and just imagine the feedback loop of willing your souvenir to shape reality to get stronger. She might be the most powerful being in the world.
Also I like that their names are totally 'normal' Irish names. She didn't get out of her way to detect unusual ones. 'Siobhan' might trip up people not familiar with Irish names, but it's basically "Joan" and so nothing unusual.
"His black hair was chin-length and parted down the middle, one side tucked behind his left ear while the correct side swung free. / 'Hey, Bella. I'k Embry, Embry Call - yous probably figured that out, though.' Embry smiled a shy smile and waved with ane hand, which he then shoved in the pocket of his jeans."
Embry Telephone call moodboard
Do y'all recollect after Breaking Dawn that the couples ever had a discussion nearly vampire babies? I can imagine Rosalie maybe saying to Emmett to impregnating a human and then they can have a baby? Esme & Carlisle too? Alice & Jasper? They know how to keep the man female parent alive afterward experience with Bella. I tin can't imagine any of the Cullen men like-minded to information technology though seeing every bit they are so devoted to their mates. Sorry if this has been asked before!
I recollect the most likely couple to accept had this discussion is Em/Rose. I don't recollect they'd actually go through with it, but I remember they may have seriously talked about it, the risks, whether it'south worth bringing a kid into the globe as a hybrid. I know this never really comes up with Nessie beyond the "omg what if she ages up to an sometime lady and dies in 15 years?" that turns out non to be true, simply all the downsides of being a vampire–bring frozen, having to hide, drinking blood–as well apply to hybrids! All the things that Rosalie hates about being a vampire will likewise be things that Renesmee and whatever potential Em/Rose baby-via-surrogate would take to endure so I don't recall they would ultimately end up doing it.
Based on my characterization, anyway. Who knows what SM would practise, although I get the impression that Renesmee is supposed to have 'fixed' Rosalie which … sure, Jan. Beingness an aunt to your to the lowest degree-favorite brother and sister-in-law'south one-half vampire genius speed growth psychic baby is definitely the same thing as being a mother to a human babe. Sure.
Never occurred to Alice or Jasper to even talk almost it. Non on their radar. Not something either of them is interested in.
I feel like Carlisle got five words into initiating this chat and Esme was like "what? no." and he was like "oh good I didn't want to either."
This may very well be my ain biases and my own interest in vampires as inherently doomed/distressing on some level (totally happy vampires are not my thing unless they are evil), but to me Renesmee's existence seems pretty lone and deplorable and I don't know that Carlisle or Esme would want to bring a life into those circumstances. It was an blow with E/B. And sure, Carlisle has changed people into vampires but a) he learned his lesson and hasn't done that in a long time b) it was to "relieve" lives. Dooming someone from nascency is a whole dissimilar scenario. Besides, I don't recollect either of them would be willing to risk the life of the human surrogate, whereas I recollect Emmett and Rosalie would have fewer qualms about that. "Bella survived, it will go better this time, plus we'll pay her well!" only there are notwithstanding a lot of risks.
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